Rerverse image search policy

■ Privacy policy in apps

1. Reasons to request camera rights
[Image Search] can use the image search service with photos taken with the camera.
To do this, the application must be able to take pictures through the camera.
Therefore, permission is required.
This information is not collected or used for any other purpose.

2. Reasons to request SD card rights
[Image Search] ultimately stores images used in image searches in the device storage.
Therefore, permission is required.
This information is not collected or used for any other purpose.

■ Purpose of Collection and Use of Personal Information

[Rerverse image search] does not collect personal information because it does not accept memberships.

  -Retention and use period of personal information

We do not use personal information.

- How to collect personal information

We do not share personal information with third parties.


이 블로그의 인기 게시물

Privacy Policy

Privacy for Silver Camera